Sunday 17 May 2015

Athlete Dean Potter and Another Man Have Died

Extreme athlete Dean Potter and another man have died in a BASE jumping accident in Yosemite National Park, California, a park spokesman said Sunday.
The spokesman said Potter, 43, and Graham Hunt died Saturday night after attempting a wingsuit flight from a 7,500-foot promontory called Taft Point. Image result for Dean Potter shepherding his dog Whisper down the Eiger in Switzerland.

A search-and-rescue mission began overnight when the jumpers' spotter lost contact with them. Crews found their bodies Sunday in Yosemite Valley. No parachutes had been deployed.
Potter was renowned for his bold and sometimes rogue climbs and BASE jumps, in which he would parachute from a fixed structure or cliff. BASE jumping is illegal in Yosemite. 

Potter completed solo ascents and tightrope walks across some of the world's most famous rocks, and he recently appeared in a film BASE jumping with his dog.

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