Tuesday 26 May 2015

Couple Celebrates Birth of 100th Grandchild

Image result for Couple Celebrates Birth of 100th GrandchildAn Illinois couple recently welcomed their 100th grandchild!
Leo and Ruth Zanger of Quincy have been married for 59 years and have 12 children, 53 grandchildren, 46 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. The birth of great-grandson Jaxton Leo on April 8 made the number of grandkids an even 100.

"The good Lord has just kept sending them," Leo told The Quincy Herald-Whig. "We could start our own town."

Most of the family lives in the Quincy area. When they get together, they rent a church hall. It takes 50 pounds of ham or ten turkeys to feed everyone.
Despite the staggering size of their family, the Zangers might not be done growing.
"There's always room for one more," Ruth remarked.

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