Thursday 15 October 2015

Obama and Afghanistan troops

President Barack Obama announced Thursday that the U.S. will keep its nearly 10,000 troops in Afghanistan through most of 2016. And in 2017, troop levels will be more than five times higher than the 1,000 U.S. troops previously planned.....,Still, Obama and his top national security advisers are keen to remind the American public that the troops' two-pronged mission -- training and advising Afghan security forces and carrying out counterterrorism operations -- remains the same.
"The nature of the mission has not changed and the cessation of our combat role has not changed," Obama said. 
Hello,to all my viewers out am so sorry for my absence in updating you all with the necessary informations of what's happening around the was due to unavoidable technical problems but am here to give you all the best you can ever y'all💖